What will be the salary increase for civil servants in 2025?

civil servants' salary increase 2025

At the time of writing this article, there are 3,5 million people in public service. And all of them are already waiting for 2025 to be able to benefit from an increase in public service salaries in 2025.

In fact, in addition to having a practically stable job, the truth is that the fact that The government's salary increase makes them feel more secureBut how much higher will this one go? We'll tell you below.

What is a civil servant?

Passive classes are part of the Special Social Security Scheme

Do you know what it means to be a civil servant and how it differs from being an employee? Well, being a civil servant is working for the public sector, whether in an administration or public entity. This job can be carried out in a town hall, in universities, public hospitals, schools and so on.

Their work regime is regulated by a legal regime, something that not many people read at first.

To To access these jobs it is necessary to pass a competitive examination, or competitive examination, where the knowledge and ability of the person to be able to perform the work that they should do is analyzed.

A salaried person, or an employee, always works for a private company, which may be national or international. There may also be the case where a public entity is involved, under which the rules are dictated based on an employment contract.

These people do not have job stability and cannot easily change jobs. In addition, their working conditions are governed by other regulations.

What is the salary of public officials in 2024?

There is a special Social Security regime for which civil servants contribute.

Before telling you what the increase is for 2025, the first thing you should know is how much do civil servants earn in 2024? In this sense, and according to the Razón publication, the salary is divided depending on which group it is in. Thus, there are several salaries that go from Group A to Group C2.


  • Group A1: Those who are part of this group earn 1.326,90 euros and a total of 18.486,89 per year.
  • Group A2: In this case, the salary is slightly lower, specifically 1.164,19 euros per month. This means an annual salary of 15.985,17 euros.
  • Group B: a lower category, like the price. This goes up to 1017,66 euros and an annual salary of 13.973,27 euros per year.
  • Group C1: This is one of the lowest, but it does exist. Civil servants would earn 814,11 euros, 12.002,20 euros per year.
  • Group C2: the last of the groups and the one that earns the least, only 713,51 euros, and a total of 9.989,15 euros per year.

This will give you an idea of ​​the basis for knowing how much public sector salaries can rise in 2025.

How much will public sector salaries increase in 2025?

sleeping worker

now that you have a better idea about the officials and the salaries they are receiving more generally, How about we tell you about the increase that will take place in 2025?

To do this, you have to go back to June 2024, when the Government approved that civil servants receive a 2% salary increase. That is, from 2025 civil servants will earn 2% based on what they make right now. Something that benefits everyone.

This increase is not something that has been approved and that's it. In reality, It was ratified in the Official State Gazette, BOE, so it is a reality that will be fulfilled as soon as the new year arrives.

But it seems that this is not the only increase. In the summer, the Minister of Finance also confirmed a 0,5% increase, subject to the assessment of inflation.

That is With a bit of luck, civil servants will receive 2,5% of their salaries. If we give you an example:

  • Group A1: civil servants in this group will receive 1360,07 euros per month.
  • Group A2: if they are in this group they will earn 1193,2 per month.
  • Group C1: At this level, civil servants will receive 830,39 euros per month.
  • Group C2: Finally, civil servants at the lowest levels will earn a total of 2025 euros per month in 727,78.

For now, not much more information has been released. What is known is that the salary increase will be done in stages so that it does not affect the public accounts too much. In this way, not all public officials will receive this increase at the same time, but rather they will receive it little by little.

In addition, some social benefits, adjustments in working hours and the promotion of policies focused on work-life balance have also been confirmed.

Now you know how much the salary increase for civil servants will be in 2025, so if you are one, or have someone who is, you can give them more information in case they don't know it already. Do you have any questions about this? Leave us a comment and we will try to answer you.

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